To cancel your subscription, please follow these steps on your iPhone:On your iPhone, tap the link to go to Apple's subscription management system:
If asked to open this page in the "iTunes Store" please tap Open. The screen may then take a few seconds to load.Under Active, tap TapeACall and select Cancel Subscription at the bottom of the screen.If you ever decide to re-subscribe, you can do so again through the TapeACall app.
In order to prevent customers from being charged, we provide TapeACall numbers in major cities around the world. This is done so you will only use your regular cell phone minutes provided by your carrier. If you’re unsure whether or not our access number is local, it’s best to contact your carrier to make sure you’re not charged.
To cancel the transcription service, please follow these steps:On your iPhone, tap the link to go to Apple's subscription management system:
If asked to open this page in the "iTunes Store" please tap Open. The screen may then take a few seconds to load.Under Active, tap TapeACall: Unlimited Transcription and select Cancel Subscription at the bottom of the screen
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